About us
The Anis Foundation was founded with one purpose in mind:
To provide audio products with a moral and spiritual backbone.
Stories and music that uplift the listener.
Why Audio Stories?
We are optimistic and ambitious about the future of audio-story collections and see this medium as one with massive potential for growth and influence. Many young people are reluctant to read, and research has shown that using audio-stories is one of the most effective ways to reach them.
Entertainment without distraction
Going against the grain in an entertainment industry full of noise, and distractions, our stories are low key affairs full of heart, pushing the listener to use their imagination and flex their own creative muscles.
How it all started
We love stories and so do our three children. It all started with us telling them stories, and now many years later, they entertain us by creating their own narratives – writing and even performing them. They would often listen to these stories during their ‘quiet’ time. What you would see is them sitting on a carpet, playing with lego bricks, snuggled on a sofa or drawing – while listening to stories that would have a profound effect on them.
Storytelling became such an essential part of our lives that we wanted to create recordings that would help children develop an understanding of spiritual and moral qualities. We see children and adults as “mines rich in gems of inestimable value” - full of creative potential. We hope our listeners will feel guided and inspired by our recordings.
Thanks to storytelling, our kids’ language skills have developed and their teachers have often remarked on the creativity of their written work and the ease with which they pick up new languages.
For interesting and creative ways to bring storytelling into your home or classroom have a look at the “Storytelling” section of our website.